

Autonomous Province of Bolzano

Renovation and extension works on Bolzano Hospital: new technical systems clinic.

The contract concerns the construction of electrical and mechanical systems of the extension of the new pavilion, which consists of an operating block, inpatient rooms, outpatient departments and reception areas.
The companies set up a consortium to carry out the works and CIAB coordinated the execution of mechanical works.

University Hospital of Verona – Concessionaire: Arena Sanità SpA – Carpi (MO)

Procedure pursuant to Article 153, paragraphs 1-14, of Legislative Decree No. 163/2006 (project financing) for design and construction of the extension and renovation of the General Hospital Borgo Roma and the Major Civil Hospital Borgo Trento in Verona.

The purpose of the concession was to build two new pavilions at the Borgo Roma and Borgo Trento hospitals, as well as to upgrade certain areas to meet regulatory requirements.
CIAB has built HVAC system, Water systems, fire protection system and the Medical Gas Distribution System, MV and LV electrical systems, Structured Wiring & Cable System, Nurse Call system, Fire Detection system and Data Control for the Borgo Roma extension.


Open procedure no. 13/2014 – Refurbishment and reinforcement works (second phase) and subsequent works for the reopening of the health centre of Crevalcore (BO).

Bologna local health authority has built a medical centre comprising a health centre with general practitioners’ surgeries, a rehabilitation gym, a blood collection point, other medical and health care activities and a 26-bed residential home for the elderly. CIAB executed the building works and HVAC, electrical and special systems.


Restricted tendering for the executive design and construction works for the improvement of the wastewater treatment plant in the municipality of Rapallo.


Negotiated procedure in sealed envelope for a lumpsum based contract for the balance of plant (BOP) construction works of the Biomethane production plant in S. Agata Bolognese (BO).
Project for construction of a waste treatment plant authorised to carry out the recovery of non-hazardous waste from the separate collection of the wet fraction of urban waste. The plant is aimed at the production of biogas produced through anaerobic digestion and subsequent refining into biomethane, suitable for use in the transport sector, and simultaneous production of quality compost.
CIAB executed the BOP (Balance of Plant) including executive design, procurement, construction, installation, commissioning, start-up and provisional acceptance tests of electromechanical works.


Building renovation involving the demolition of an existing factory used as a warehouse and reconstruction of an office building with the same volume, rented to YOOX NET A PORTER GROUP SPA
The contract includes the demolition of the existing building, the construction of the foundations for the new prefabricated structure (excluding this one), the construction of the curtain walls including windows and doors, all internal finishing works, and the external arrangements.
It also includes the construction of VRF and water systems, an extension to the existing electrical cabin, all the motive power, lighting, emergency lighting, data transmission, fire detection and intrusion detection systems.

Promo.ge.co. S.r.l.

Construction of a logistics centre in SS 455 in the discrict of Larizzate (Vercelli)
The general contract included the construction of the new logistics centre of NOVA COOP S.C. including a portion of an automated warehouse.
CIAB executed the SCS data network, electrical, safety & security, mechanical, fire sprinkler, radiant floor heating, and water systems.